Welcome to Penybont Llandelgey and Cefnllys Heritage Story Walks!

This project was created to develop a series of interactive walks around Penybont, Llandegley and Cefn Llys, highlighting points of historical, social, personal or nature-based interest.

The project has worked with local professionals and members of the community to create a series of mini explorations into histories and stories from the area. These include animations, audio recordings, writing, worksheets & photos and cover a wide range of topics including myths and legends, geology & ecology, places of historical interest, social history, memories and more.

The Project has been designed to be accessed via QR codes. The idea for this is about encouraging you to go to the locations and watch, listen, read or view the project contents in the locations. We hope experiencing the work outdoors and in situ will give you a stronger connection with the place.

We would also like to encourage you to go and be active in the outdoors, enjoy our beautiful Radnorshire countryside, to visit places that may be new to you and to learn more about places you already know.

If you are a visitor to the area then we hope this gives you a deeper insight into the local area and that this enhances your visit.

To access the QR codes live at the locations does require having a device with an internet connection and, due to the rural geography of the area we can’t guarantee everyone will have connections in all of the locations. However, the website exists to offer access to the content from anywhere with an internet connection and it is possible to download content in advance to then interact with it at the locations later. The website also offers access to the project should you be too far away to visit the locations, shielding at home, in a classroom or wanting to re visit the content after a visit etc.

You will need to download a QR code scanner from your app store on your device. You can google how to do this and how to then use the QR code scanner via your regular search engine.

A huge thanks to everyone who has supported the project and helped make it happen in some way especially the Penybont Local History Group and The Penybont Community Council.

This project has been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to whom we are extremely grateful.

If you do visit the locations either live or via the website then please do help with the reporting to our funders by taking part in this short questionnaire. It will only take 5 minutes and really helps us with further funding to extend this project or for future projects.

Please do respect the countryside on your visits by closing gates, taking your rubbish with you, sticking to designated footpaths and keeping your dogs on leads. For more information on respecting the countryside please visit: https://www.countrysideonline.co.uk/care-for-the-countryside/countryside-code/

Welsh Language

The project content and website are bilingual. Exceptions to this are where content is either archive, was not created specifically for the project or is an audio personal ‘Oral History’. All translations for the project unless stated otherwise are by Anna Gruffydd



Jim Elliott started Digital Dropout Media in 2001 as a community media organisation, Working with film, animation, music, VJing and all time-based artforms. They have worked with thousands of different people to create hundreds of things. From education projects to large scale commissions the stuff they make has human creativity right at the centre of things. We thrive on collaboration, following tangents, fresh air and biscuits.

Geology and Ecology

Dr. Joe Botting is an academic palaeontologist (but also an entomologist and general naturalist) who ended up living in Llandrindod after spending two years in China. He has no intention of leaving, and makes a living as a tutor, insect surveyor, and folk musician, interrupted by occasional paid Chinese research fellowships to continue his fossil research.

Website Illustrations

Christine Haslock studied Fine Art at Liverpool, graduating with a BA Hons in 1975. The Art Teachers Certificate course at the Institute of Education in London subsequently led to a career in teaching. Following early retirement in 2009, Christine enjoys making pots and painting as well as walking, gardening and beekeeping.

Web creation and all technical wizardry

Tom Turner is a self-taught computer wizz and creator of many amazing and varied things. Working out of his workshop in Penybont, he has aided many local people with their IT dilemmas and creative projects. He also loves to work with wood, play guitar and bakes a very fine cake which he does for The Thomas Shop Museum and Cafe.


All translations for the project unless stated otherwise were by Anna Gruffydd Anna Gruffydd was born on the Llŷn Peninsula. She was bitten by the translating bug in her earliest years, now a bug which consumes her full-time, working freelance from her home in Italy.

Project Producer

Ellie Turner has been working as an Outdoor Arts and events Producer for over 20 years throughout the UK and beyond. Ellie is most passionate about community engaged work that is inspired and informed by landscape, heritage and culture, and is delighted to now be based in Mid Wales, working and enjoying life within the Radnorshire countryside.

Evaluation questionnaire

Please help the project by completing a short Evaluation questionnaire / Survey

If you have visited the project either in the locations or the website. It will take 5 minutes.

Thank you

Croeso i Deithiau Cerdded Stori Treftadaeth Pen-y-bont, Llandeglau a Chefn-llys

Crëwyd y prosiect yma i ddatblygu cyfres o deithiau cerdded rhyngweithiol o gwmpas Pen-y-bont, Llandeglau a Chefn-llys, yn amlygu pethau o ddiddordeb hanesyddol, cymdeithasol, personol neu ym myd natur.

Bu’r prosiect yma’n gweithio gyda phobl broffesiynol leol ac aelodau o’r gymuned i greu cyfres o ymchwiliadau bach i hanesion a straeon o’r cylch. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys animeiddiadau, recordiadau sain, ysgrifau, taflenni gwaith a lluniau ac yn cwmpasu amrywiaeth eang o bynciau gan gynnwys mythau a chwedlau, daeareg ac ecoleg, mannau o ddiddordeb hanesyddol, hanes cymdeithasol, atgofion a rhagor at hynny.

Lluniwyd y Prosiect yma i’w gyrchu drwy godau QR. Y syniad wrth wraidd hyn ydi eich cymell chi i fynd i’r lleoliadau a gwylio, gwrando, darllen neu edrych ar gynnwys y prosiect yn y lleoliadau. Gobeithio y bydd profi’r gwaith yn yr awyr agored ac yn y fan a’r lle yn meithrin dolen gyswllt gryfach rhyngoch chi a’r lle.

Byddai’n dda gennym hefyd eich cymell chi i’w chychwyn hi i’r awyr agored, i gael blas ar ein cefn gwlad hardd yma ym Maesyfed, i roi tro am lefydd sydd efallai’n newydd i chi ac i ddysgu rhagor am lefydd sydd eisoes yn gyfarwydd.

Os mai ymwelydd â’r fro ydych chi, gobeithio y bydd hyn yn rhoi lle i chi dreiddio ymhellach i’r cyffiniau a hyn yn gwneud eich tro amdanom yn ddifyrrach fyth.

Er mwyn cyrchu’r codau QR yn fyw yn y lleoliadau mae gofyn dyfais a chanddi gysylltiad â’r rhyngrwyd ac, oherwydd daearyddiaeth wledig yr ardal, allwn ni ddim gwarantu y bydd gan bawb gysylltiadau yn y lleoliadau i gyd. Fodd bynnag, mae’r wefan yma’n bod i gynnig mynediad i’r cynnwys o unrhyw fan a chanddo gysylltiad â’r rhyngrwyd ac mae modd llwytho cynnwys i lawr ymlaen llaw er mwyn rhyngweithio â’r lleoliadau’n ddiweddarach. Mae’r wefan hefyd yn cynnig mynediad i’r prosiect os ydych chi’n rhy bell i ffwrdd i ymweld â’r lleoliadau, yn gwarchod gartref, mewn ystafell ddosbarth neu am roi tro am y cynnwys ar ôl ymweliad etc.

Bydd gofyn i chi lwytho lawr sganiwr codau QR o’ch siop apiau ar eich dyfais. Mae modd Gwglo sut i wneud hyn ac wedyn sut i ddefnyddio’r sganiwr codau QR drwy’ch peiriant chwilio rheolaidd.

Diolch o galon i bawb fu’n gefn i’r prosiect ac a gyfrannodd at ei wireddu yn enwedig Grŵp Hanes Lleol Pen-y-bont a Chyngor Cymuned Pen-y-bont.

Cyllidwyd y prosiect yma gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol rydym yn fawr ein diolch iddi.

Os bydd i chi roi tro am y lleoliadau naill ai’n fyw neu drwy’r wefan, cofiwch roi help llaw i ni’n dwyn adroddiad i’n cyllidwyr drwy gymryd rhan yn yr holiadur byr yma. Dim ond gwaith pum munud fydd hyn ac mae’n gaffaeliad mawr i ni’n cael rhagor o gyllid i estyn y prosiect yma neu ar gyfer prosiectau i ddod.

Cofiwch barchu cefn gwlad pan ddewch iddi, drwy gau giatiau, mynd â’ch sbwriel i’ch canlyn, cadw at lwybrau troed dynodedig a chadw’ch cŵn ar dennyn. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ynghylch parchu cefn gwlad ewch i: https://www.countrysideonline.co.uk/care-for-the-countryside/countryside-code/

Y Gymraeg

Mae cynnwys y prosiect a’r wefan yn ddwyieithog. Yr eithriadau yn hyn o beth ydi lle bo’r cynnwys naill a’i ddeunydd archif, heb ei greu’n benodol ar gyfer y prosiect neu’n ‘Hanes Llafar’ sain personol. Mae’r cyfieithiadau i’r prosiect, oni ddywedir fel arall, i gyd gan Anna Gruffydd



Yn 2001 cychwynnodd Jim Elliott y cwmni Digital Dropout Media, yn gorff cyfryngau cymuned yn gweithio gyda ffilm, animeiddio, cerddoriaeth, gwaith VJ a phob ffurf ar gelfyddyd wedi’i seilio ar amser. Maen nhw wedi gweithio gyda miloedd o wahanol bobl i greu cannoedd o bethau. O brosiectau addysg i ddarnau comisiwn ar raddfa fawr, creadigedd pobl sydd wrth graidd popeth wnân nhw. Ein bwyd a diod ydi cydweithredu, mynd ar ôl sgwarnogod, awyr iach a bisgedi.

Daeareg ac Ecoleg

Palaeontolegwr academaidd ydi’r Dr Joe Botting (ac at hynny entomolegwr a naturiolwr cyffredinol) ddaeth i ben y daith yn Llandrindod ar ôl treulio dwy flynedd yn Tsieina. Mae wedi ymagartrefu yma ac yn ennill ei damaid yn diwtor, yn arolygwr trychfilod ac yn gerddor gwerin, ac o bryd i’w gilydd cymrodoriaethau ymchwil tâl gan Academi Gwyddorau Tsieina i fynd ymlaen â’i ymchwil i ffosilau.

Darluniau’r Wefan

Astudiodd Christine Haslock Gelfyddyd Gain yn Lerpwl a graddio â BA Anrh ym 1975. Wedyn arweiniodd y cwrs Tystysgrif Athrawon Celf yn y Sefydliad Addysg yn Llundain at yrfa’n dysgu. Ers ymddeol cyn pryd yn 2009, mae Christine yn cael blas ar wneud potiau a pheintio yn ogystal â cherdded, garddio a chadw gwenyn.

Creu’r wefan a’r holl ddyfeisgarwch technegol

Dewin cyfrifiaduron a’i dysgodd ei hun ydi Tom Turner, a chrëwr hylltod o bethau anhygoel ac amrywiol. Yn gweithio o’i weithdy ym Mhen-y-bont, rhoes help llaw i lawer o’r bobl leol ddatrys dryswch TG a dwyn meini prosiectau creadigol i’r wal. Mae hefyd wrth ei fodd yn gweithio gyda phren ac yn canu’r gitâr ac mae’n giamstar ar bobi cacennau sydd i’w cael yn Amgueddfa a Chaffi Thomas Shop.


Brodor o Ben Llŷn ydi Anna Gruffydd. Mae’r chwilen gyfieithu yn ei phen ers bore’i oes, bellach yn chwilen mae’n ei boddio lawn amser, yn gweithio ar ei liwt ei hun o’i chartref yn yr Eidal.

Cynhyrchydd y Prosiect

Mae Ellie Turner yn Gynhyrchydd Celfyddydau a Digwyddiadau Awyr Agored ers dros ugain mlynedd drwy hyd a lled gwledydd Prydain ac ymhellach draw. Beth sy’n mynd â bryd Ellie fwyaf ydi gwaith ynghlwm â’r gymuned, wedi’i ysbrydoli a’i fwydo gan y dirwedd, treftadaeth a diwylliant, ac mae wrth ei bodd bod ei chartref bellach yn y Canolbarth, yn gweithio ac yn cael blas ar fywyd yng nghefn gwlad Maesyfed.

Holiadur cloriannu

Gofynnwn i chi roi help llaw i’r prosiect drwy lenwi Holiadur cloriannu byr / arolwg

Os buoch chi’n rhoi tro am y prosiect naill ai yn y lleoliadau neu ar y wefan. Gwaith pum munud fydd hyn.

Diolch i chi